You Are the Beauty in the Story.
When I was young I used to watch Bob Ross paint his fluffy clouds and insist there were no mistakes when it came to creating. He inspired me with his belief that everyone could paint, even me.
It was years later that I began to paint. My youngest son started first grade, and I was feeling a bit lost. There was no immediate goal, nothing to attain. Painting gave me a way to get used to not knowing what comes next. And space for me to expand.
Still today, painting gives me room to explore. And a chance for a surprise to surface. Thank you for sharing in my art with me.
Silhouette #1, 12 x 24 acrylic
Silhouette #6, 12 x 24 acrylic
Silhouette #5, 12 x 24 acrylic
Journey, 16 x 20 acrylic
Starry, 11 x 14 acrylic
Fire and Ice, 11 x 14 acrylic
Horizon, 16 x 20 acrylic
Sisters, 16 x 20 acrylic
Fragments, 16 x 20 acrylic
Waiting, 18 x 24 acrylic
Sea Glass, 12 x 24 acrylic
Dreamy, 18 x 24 acrylic
Birch Spirit, 11 x 14 acrylic
I’m Here, 30 x 40 acrylic
Live, 11 x 14 oil
Culture, 11 x 14 acrylic and mixed media
Mountain Girl, 11 x 14 acrylic
Path, 12 x 12 acrylic and mixed media
Collage, 11 x 14 acrylic and mixed media
Burst, 11 x 14 acrylic
Salsa, 12 x 12 acrylic on paper
12 x 12 acrylic on paper
Tea, 12 x 12 acrylic and mixed media
Marilyn, 11 x 14 acrylic
Flow, 11 x 14 acrylic
Radiate, 11 x 14 acrylic
Community, 12 x 12 acrylic on paper
Drawn, 24 x 30 acrylic and mixed media
Invitation, 30 x 40 acrylic
Possibly, 16 x 20 acrylic
Beckon, 30 x 40 acrylic
Lemon, 5 x 8 acrylic on reclaimed wood
Shades, 5 x 8 acrylic on reclaimed wood
Orange, 5 x 8 acrylic on reclaimed wood
Form, 18 x 24 acrylic
Her, 18 x 24 acrylic
Silhouette #2, 18 x 24
Silhouette #3, 12 x 24 acrylic
Silhouette #4, 18 x 24 acrylic
Centering, 12 x 12 acrylic and mixed media
Runway, 12 x 12 acrylic
Shadows, 12 x 12 acrylic
Seasons, 11 x 14 acrylic
Cascade, 24 x 24 acrylic
Play, 11 x 14 acrylic and mixed media
Bubbles, 12 x 12 acrylic
Fly, 12 x 12 acrylic
Stepping Out, 12 x 12 acrylic
Pause, 12 x 12 acrylic
Be, 18 x 24 acrylic and mixed media
Dance, 12 x 12 acrylic and mixed media
Tuxedo, 18 x 24 acrylic and mixed media
Shine, 12 x 36 acrylic
Trilogy, 11 x 14 acrylic
Yellow Boots, 11 x 14 acrylic
Blown, 11 x 14 acrylic
Groove, 12 x 12 acrylic
Stand, 8 x 10 acrylic
Roses, 12 x 12 acrylic
Howl, 12 x 12 acrylic
Mystery, 12 x 36 acrylic and mixed media
Reflection, 11 x 14 acrylic
Nature, 11 x 14 acrylic and mixed media
Curves, 11 x 14 acrylic
Me, 11 x 14 oil
Beautiful Boy, 11 x 14 oil
First, 16 x 20 acrylic
Wondering, 24 x 30 acrylic
We must bear the grief that there is no arrival. Only being found. Over and over again.
—Shelly Tiemeyer