a new story


lots of times we know. we know what we want. we know what we need. and it’s a risk to put that out into the world. people don’t always want to hear our knowing. we might be dismissed. we might be doubted. we might even be rejected. which can be a distraction from our own path. it can take us into old messaging: maybe we didn’t know. maybe we were too much. maybe they’re right.

but this is an old story. one that keeps us small. and afraid.

we can make room for a new one. one that tells the truth. our knowing is good. it is our guide. it is our focus. and it can get braver and stronger.

we may leave it sometimes, but we can always return.

our knowing is what the world needs most. when one of us follows our knowing, it’s permission for every woman to do the same. i can’t think of a more beautiful world.


i am who i am

