human & divine


the divine inspiration within us leads us to imagine. to ponder. to dream of what’s possible. our divine inspires us to take risks.

the divine doesn’t guarantee any outcome. it only inspires us to express, to reveal, to want. it invites us to uncertainty. it invites us to not know what will happen next. over and over again.

divine inspiration leads us to more of our humanity. our exposure. our insecurity, our need. for belonging, acceptance, enjoyment. it leads us to the divine voice of love and encouragement. maybe in unlikely or unfamiliar places. the voice that knows something for sure. the voice that tells us what’s true once more. that tells us our humanity is divine.

there is this constant angst of what we know — and what we don’t know. the invitation to risk without any guarantees of what will happen. this is is what truly living is.


light and dark

