

sometimes we get on a roll. doing things, one after the other. making progress. we can go days like this. and it can feel really good. at the same time we can start to feel a little disconnected from ourselves. from the self that resides within.

sometimes it doesn’t take much to check in with ourselves. we hear many ideas of how to do this, but all of them have the same goal. just to pause and tune in to our internal self. tune in to our bodies. here are a few of them:

-taking a deep breath in for four seconds, holding it for four seconds, breathing out for four seconds, holding it for four seconds. do this for a couple of minutes.

-naming three things i am grateful for

-at the end of the day naming something that drained life from me and something that brought life to me

-pausing at any point to think about what i need in this day

-closing my eyes and listening to a sound in nature

-observing a thought without evaluation or judgment

we are not that far away from ourselves. it might feel like the grand canyon but in reality we’re only a breath away.


love begets love

