love begets love


loving me is a little embarrassing. it actually feels a little foolish sometimes. especially when other people see me do it. maybe i don’t want other people to know that i need it. maybe they’ll think i’m weak. or worse, weird.

maybe i will stand out. if i do something in a way that is different from others. in a way that is more loving to me. it feels like the worst thing i could ever do. literally. and the accusations are strong. i must be spoiled. selfish. uncaring. and the worst one, ungrateful.

this is how i was trained, but this is what i KNOW:

when i don’t push myself beyond my capacity, i give everyone else permission to do the same. loving me is creating space for everyone to have more love.

when i don’t force myself to be in situations i don’t want to be in, i am less critical. i am more generous. i am less resentful. i feel more desire. i can feel more love for the things and people around me. i can feel love from others.

self-love opens me up to a world of giving and receiving more love than ever.

i’d have to say my experience is the opposite of how i was trained. loving me creates more and more and more love for everyone. it’s the most giving thing i can do.



