
having a “center” is an idea most of us have heard of. in chakra language, it is the place of “i am.” residing two inches below our belly button, it is where we can return to again and again. when we feel overwhelmed, it’s the place of home. where we feel known and recognized. where our truth resides, waiting to be discovered.

but there are times in life when our center feels empty. like there’s nothing there to land on or hold on to. and we are left seeking and searching outside of ourselves.

it can take time to feel our center again. and it can require waiting. allowing for a sprout to surface in the ready soil. a tiny growth that wants to get bigger and take up more room. and spread seeds for more sprouts to grow.

and over time it becomes a garden. beautiful and captivating. inviting us to return to it over and over.

just to see what’s there.

what’s blooming.

what’s new.

what we might not have seen the last time we were there.

ever growing and changing.

it invites us to sit and rest awhile, taking in all the beauty. as if we wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

this is peace.


we are more


we are wanted