we are wanted

i went on a last minute adventure to find the beautiful golden larch trees, the deciduous conifers that are breathtaking in the fall. they are only golden for a few weeks, and i was just on the edge of seeing them.

and they did not disappoint. so golden and bright that they reminded me of the shine of the sun itself. almost like fire. and the contrast of them with the evergreen trees, light and dark nestled so closely together. so much beauty. so much symbolism.

i sat on a hillside watching them as the sky turned to dusk. and i could feel them. i was so happy with them, and they were so happy with me. it felt like a mutual connection. both wanting and giving.

my son told me the other day that as gravity pulls us to the ground, the earth reaches up to us (9 trillionths of the width of a proton.) with each step we take, she welcomes, encourages. embraces us. her desire merges with our own.




the story