ebb and flow

so many rhythms in nature involve an ebb and flow, a coming and going. the tide comes in and out. the sun comes and goes. the leaves fall and return in the spring. if you look around you see it everywhere.

and so it is the same with us. especially in our relationships. it is good to allow for the closeness and distance that comes in a relationship. it is necessary. it is healthy. even God needs distance.

the distance is a time to return to ourselves. to connect with all of who we are. then we go back to closeness whole and filled. this detachment is good and not to be feared. we learn to bear the anxiety of distance (or our partners anxiety of distance) to find out that the closeness always comes back. the desire returns.

it cannot work any other way. as we learn to make peace with this rhythm, the closeness becomes more profound. the freedom becomes ecstatic. this is what we’re meant to have.


i can’t fight this feeling

