i can’t fight this feeling

when we have an uncomfortable thought or feeling, it’s easy to fight it. we don’t want ourselves to be associated with it. we might feel like it makes us bad or unlovable.

but fighting it makes it harder for us. it increases the shame and anxiety.

the presence of a difficult thought or feeling does not erase the presence of good in us. we can be hurt by someone and still be loving. we can want more and still be grateful. we can need space from someone and still be caring. we can not want to do something and still be giving. we can feel pain and still be good.

we can lovingly hold a feeling. we can gently notice a thought. we can receive it. embrace it. and before we know it, it flows right through us.

and the love in this place is profound.


i don’t like it. i don’t agree with it. but i accept it.


ebb and flow