What We Know

there’s what we think we know of ourselves….and if we’re safe enough and loved enough, there’s what we discover. it takes a lot of love to bear the unknown long enough for something to arise. for something truly genuine to surface. most of us have taken on realities of who we are that don’t necessarily fit, but bring comfort nonetheless. if we can have a space of gentleness, we can explore. the known can be held lightly, with a little less urgency. and with just a bit of room, we might find a surprise.

there may be loss. there may be excitement. there may be fear. there may be protective feelings over what is known. There’s enough love for this. it might not seem possible, but there is.

and as you surface, the love will keep growing. you will know it. you will feel it. because it’s a love that feels genuine. it feels true. it feels you.


I’m From


i don’t like it. i don’t agree with it. but i accept it.