the ladder


sonya renee taylor (author of the body is not an apology) talks about the ladder that tells us: some of us are higher up and better, and some of us are lower down and not as good. there are all kinds of constructs that tell us what will get us to the top of the ladder. lots of things we are supposed to do and be. lots of boxes we’re supposed to check.

she talks about the internal ladder that we create for ourselves. when we listen to the voices that tell us what we’re supposed to be doing to get to the top of the ladder. all the voices that tell us what is “good” and “right” instead of our own knowing.

she says the only way to create social justice is to first dismantle the ladder within.

for most of us, this is a terrifying thought. if we’re not climbing a ladder, we are nothing. if we’re not climbing the ladder, we are worthless. we will be misfits. rejected. and abandoned.

the ladder mentality is so engrained in us, that it feels nearly impossible for us to see ourselves without it. though it feels like it brings us love and safety, it only brings fear. with any misstep, we could lose it all.

but all it takes is one person to stop climbing the ladder. just one.

and when the ladder starts to fall for one, it falls for another, and another, until it falls for families, communities and the world. all we need is permission.

can you imagine, no more comparing and striving.

this is hope.


coloring outside the lines


paradigms matter